Michael Tracey, Nazis are actually fine now (14 May 2022)
Nazis Are Actually Fine Now, According to the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League Michael Tracey 8 hr ago 106 24 Azov Battalion rallies in Ukraine. Photo by NurPhoto via GettyImages If you happened to be alive during the years of 2016 to 2020, you can probably recall the routine issuance of frantic bulletins that “Nazis” were suddenly on the march in the US. Not just that some ludicrous, ragtag group of self-identified Nazis could be occasionally spotted in the wild — which had always been a somewhat regular, albeit freakish occurrence. Rather, the idea was that full-bore ideological “Nazism” had surged as a genuinely formidable political force, and everyone needed to be extremely terrified of this. Principally responsible for the alleged outbreak of pro-Nazi fervor, or so the prevailing theory went, was Donald Trump. He had either tacitly or deliberately fueled the Nazis’ rise, because associating himself with Nazis would definitely be a huge boon to his ...